I remember one of the first clients I ever worked with.

He was a 10-year-old boy with a lip-licking tic. When I met him, this tic was really bothersome to him (and his mom) as it left him with red, irritated skin surrounding his mouth. Not only was this obviously noticeable and painful, but it required him to carry around Vaseline at all times. He was very motivated to reduce this tic, and I’ll never forget coming back in a week and noticing right away that his mouth looked better. After another week, the redness was completely gone and he had stopped carrying around the Vaseline. Talk about a game-changer!

Another memorable client was a 15-year-old girl with severe vocal tics. She was embarrassed about them, and wanted to try out for sports but was anxious about her tics getting in the way. We identified some underlying anxiety and used cognitive tools with habit reversal strategies and CBIT. Later, when she not only tried out for the softball team, but made it, the beaming smile on her face said it all.

My name is Mary Shouse, and I am an occupational therapist who specializes in Tourette and tic disorders.

Why did I start my business?

I started my therapy business when I realized that after diagnosis, there was a huge gap in care for people with tics. How do you manage tics and cope with co-occurring conditions such as OCD, ADHD or anxiety? What about help with managing difficulties at home, or challenges at school?

I’ve devoted my life to addressing the needs of kids, teens and adults with tic disorders. The latest CDC statistics (2022) report that 1 in 50 children ages 5-14 experience persistent tic disorders (including Tourette Syndrome), and that they effect 1.4 million people in the US. If tics are impacting your (or your child’s) life and you’re ready to feel confident, stress-free and thrive while managing your tics- I would be honored to help!

If you are looking for help with your next steps, reach out for your free Tic Management Roadmap. This is a free 45-minute session where we will work together to create a step-by-step plan for your path to success. Let’s improve your quality of life- Today!