
Have you heard of biofeedback but aren’t sure what it is and if it is a good option for you or your child?

Simply put, there are different forms of biofeedback, but the one we use is focused on teaching your mind and body how to achieve calm and regulation from the inside out, effortlessly.

Whether you are local or not, we’ve got the tools to help you harness the power of your nervous system to help you manage tics and more!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Evaluate: We evaluate your current nervous system state to measure markers of your resilience and stress in real-time.

  2. Recommend: We recommend and help you learn techniques to help you achieve a better state of balance, self-regulation and awareness of body.

  3. Practice: You practice by playing interactive and fun games (for both kids and adults) using a simple fingertip sensor.

  4. Monitor: We continue to monitor your progress, and provide support along the way, tracking real results in your resilience, mood, and response to stress.

  5. Progress: You can complete this from a distance, using web-based software and fingertip sensor, anywhere you are!